The Science behind Numenor
Prevention is better than cure
Area under curve
We bring years of experience in clinical practice, medical research and healthcare technology to
curate the most accurate health tests and treatments for our members. When designing our
approach, we started from the ground up, with the following criteria:
- Evidence-based: we rely on high quality evidence from multiple human clinical trials
indicating that a specific treatment is safe and well-tolerated.
- Data-backed: we measure the impact of everything we do to determine effectiveness
and safety of our interventions on our members.
Sustainable change
We want to make positive changes to the health of our members, but we want that change to
last. We focus on one area of health at a time to make sure we can create sustainable and real
changes to the health of our members.
We believe that individuals are not average numbers. When it comes to longevity and
prevention treatments, what works on average doesn’t necessarily work for everyone and vice
versa. This is why we ultimately rely on measuring the impact of our interventions on the
individual member to ensure safety and effectiveness.